Ms. Hilary Miller - Episode 8
Hilary Miller, a mother of three, is an English as a Second Language teacher dedicated to helping individuals over 40 focus on their health. While she has been a leader in leveraging technology to its fullest potential, she firmly rejects being labeled an “influencer.”
Topics Covered:
Her education journey from childhood to earning her master’s degree teaching ESL
How she homeschooled and raised three children while her husband worked and how that shaped her inspiration for finding time to do self-care at home
How her students provide her with fresh perspectives on world issues but also look to her as a life counselor
How her health journey over the years has evolved into sharing her workouts on social media, where she navigates and responds to diverse opinions about her content.
Ms. Hilary has always forged her own path. Through her experiences learning and teaching ESL, she gained a deep appreciation for the value of online class structures. She also transformed her struggles with an eating disorder in her younger years into a journey toward a healthier body and mind—all while maintaining a marriage of over 40 years and raising three children.
Things Worth Mentioning:
In this episode we mentioned some pretty cool things! Below are links to things that were mentioned.